Food For 7 Month Old Baby – What Should I Offer - Food Guide

Baby Feeding at Seven Months

Oh, what a lovely mess! Baby feeding at seven months can be just a little chaotic as small people learn how to eat from a spoon and exert their independence. Because, while being fed a range of lovely purees is pretty special, the average seven month old can’t resist trying to feed themselves as well.  Expect plenty of hand and arm waving as your baby tries to match their desire and skill in grabbing onto the spoon and directing it somewhere near their mouth.

What’s for Dinner?

Don’t feel you need to be an expert cook when it comes to your 7 month old’s menu planning. At this age their taste buds are still developing and very sensitive; they don’t have a gourmet’s palate.

Aim for simple preparation of vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy foods which maximizes the nutritional content. For vegetables especially, short cooking times and using minimal water helps to lock in flavor and nutrients.

Red meat is a valuable source of iron, zinc and Vitamin B 12, and even the smallest amounts will provide important nutrients to your baby’s growing body. White meats too, such as chicken and pork, are ideal at this age. Just make sure you cook all meat and animal sourced foods very well.

Helpful Tips for Feeding your Seven Month Old

  • Cook fresh food in batches and freeze individual serves until needed.
  • For those times when you need a more convenient option, try to find the most nutritious options and check the back of labels to make sure they are free from any chemicals, pesticides or artificial additives, colors or flavorings.
  • Strap your baby into a highchair for meals. This is an age of increasing mobility and preparation for crawling, so restrain them with a five point harness.
  • Offer your baby small pieces of food on the tray of their highchair. Good options for finger foods are cut up pieces of (cooked) vegetables, pasta, and fruit.
  • Give your baby a spoon to practice with. You can still be their main feeder with a separate spoon, but support their attempts at self-feeding as well.

Breastfeeding and Solids

Stick to the guide of breastfeed first and solids after. At this age and stage, breast milk still needs to be the primary source of your baby’s nutrition. Offer both breasts when you feed your baby.  A little break between sides may help persuade them to accept the second breast.

Say goodbye to those long drawn out feeding times. At seven months your baby will know just how to obtain a full feed and empty your breasts in a few short minutes.  Some babies love to comfort suck and will continue sucking for the sheer pleasure of it rather than to obtain more breast milk.

Try to avoid continual snacking of either breast milk or solid foods.  Aim to offer solids within around 30 minutes of finishing a breastfeed. Grouping milk and solids in this way will help to create a couple of hours spacing between feeds and give structure to a busy day.

Bottle Feeding and Solids

Keep offering formula before solids at seven months. While solids are undoubtedly important, it’s milk which your baby still needs as a priority right now. They also need the water which is contained in milk. Babies who overtake their formula intake with solids can become constipated and don’t thrive as they need to.

Discard any leftover formula and what hasn’t been accepted within one hour of starting each feed. Milk is the perfect medium for bacteria to grow and it’s important to be conscious of offering freshly prepared formula and not extend feed times.

Mix any leftover formula with your baby’s solids. Doing this ensures they are getting important nutrients and minimizes waste.  Cereal, vegetables, white sauces and milky solids are all good options of using up formula which hasn’t been accepted at bottle feeds.

Consider if your baby is having too much milk if they’re refusing solids.  Some babies love their bottle so much that they’re really not interested in any other food.

What Foods Should I be Offering My 7 Month Old?

Your baby’s biggest organ lies between their ears. Their brain is quite literally a sponge and will absorb whatever nutrients it can access. Emotional stimulation is another type of ‘food’ for your baby and it is the combination of both which will optimize your baby’s potential as they grow and develop.

Make healthy food choices which will support your baby’s growth. Get into the habit of asking yourself “will this support my baby’s growing body”?  

Aim for a colorful range of vegetables and fruits. According to Nutrition Australia it pays to “Eat a rainbow”.  Different colors indicate different nutrients e.g. yellow foods (like carrot and pumpkin) contain Vitamin A, while green vegetables contain a range of phytochemicals and folate.

Tips for Feeding Your 7 Month Old

  1. View solids as an “add-on” for now. Although important, they don’t supply the important nutrients and fluid your baby needs to grow and stay hydrated.
  2. Offer your baby food from your own plate, give them a taste of what you’re eating. As long as it’s healthy food and not a choking risk, your seven month old can have the same foods.
  3. Role model healthy eating behaviors. You are your baby’s greatest teacher and from you they will learn how and what to eat. Be mindful of your own eating practices and reinforce healthy eating messages by being consistent.
  4. Aim for fresh foods where possible.


Healthy, thriving seven month old babies are able to make their own choices about how much food they want to eat. Like us, they will have their favorite foods and others they’re not so keen on.

Always speak and check with a qualified nurse or healthcare professional for advice and guidance on your seven month old baby’s individual feeding needs.