Glossary - Free text

A2 - A2 Beta Casein
ABN - Australian business number.
ARA - arachidonic acid
DAWE - Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment. Responsible for export regulation.
DFSV - Dairy Food Safety Victoria. Food regulator in the State of Victoria, Australia.
DHA - Docosahexaenoic acid
FCMP - Full cream milk powder
“Follow on” Term used interchangeably with Stage 2 Infant Formula.
Food Standards Code- The standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code are legislative instruments under the Legislation Act 2003. This legislation governs and regulates food production in Australia.
FOS - fructo-oligosaccharides
g - gram
GMP - Good manufacturing practice
GOS - galactooligosaccharides
HACCP - Hazard and critical control point.
Kg - Kilogram
LLDPE - Linear low-density polyethylene
Mg - Milligram
Ml - Millilitres
NASAA - National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia
NATA - National Association of Testing Authorities.
SMP - Skim milk powder
Stage 1 - Term used within Australian food regulations to describe Infant Formula suitable for infants aged 0-6 months.
Stage 2 - Term used within Australian food regulations to describe Infant Formula suitable for infants aged 6-12 months.
WPC - Whey protein concentrate