What Foods Should I Be Offering My 10 Month Old - Food Guide

Baby Feeding at Ten Months

Ten month old babies think they’re just the cleverest little person in the room, and with even the smallest encouragement, they’ll be reminding everyone else too.  All the hard work and energy you’ve invested will be rewarded in spades throughout the day.

Longer, unbroken sleeps overnight are reasonable at ten months when frequent milk feeds are no longer necessary.  Babies of ten months who have enough to eat and drink throughout the day, are capable of lasting 10-12 hours at night without feeding.

You’re OK

Emotional meltdowns are common at ten months when sometimes the world can just seem a bit too big.  Mealtimes are not immune and can sometimes be the point at which crying comes to a head. Try to make sure your ten month old is calm and in a receptive mood before expecting them to eat.

Some babies do not like the feeling of being restrained in a highchair, especially when all they want is to stay close to the people that matter.  There will be times when it’s simply easier to have your baby sit on your lap and share what’s on your plate. 

When they are upset, unsure or tired, don’t expect your baby to be as keen on eating. Moods and emotions factor strongly with hunger and like us, appetite is dependent on a whole range of factors, including headspace.

Helpful Tips for Feeding your Ten Month Old

Small, cut up pieces of food, rather than purees and mashed foods will form the basis of your baby’s diet. Cereals and other soft mixtures will need to be spooned in but most other foods should resemble their intact form. Try a combination of finger foods as well mashed textures if you’re concerned about how much they’re eating. Looking for a ‘win-win’ is a good compromise when trying to reason with a 10 month old.

Offer your baby colorful food which will attract their interest and make mealtimes a bit more exciting. You’ll be preparing a lot of meals over the next few years, so do what you can to maintain your own motivation too.  The same old same old will become rather tedious for you both.  

If your ten month old is a fussy eater, consider what else they are having in their diet. Milk is essentially a food, so if they’re having too much milk they won’t be as hungry for real food. More than 3-4 milk serves a day of breast or bottle may be too much.

Breastfeeding and Solids

By ten months you’ll both be so familiar with what breastfeeding entails. The evidence is consistently clear that there are significant benefits for both mothers and babies to continue breastfeeding for as long as they are happy to do so.

If your baby is waking frequently overnight and demanding breastfeeds and you’re not getting much sleep, then it’s time to put some sleep and settle management strategies in place. Ten month old breastfed babies still need around 3-4 feeds in 24 hours. Ideally, these feeds are restricted to between 6 am-6pm.  Aim to breastfeed after your baby’s main meals, except for the last feed in the evening.  A breastfeed before settling to sleep is a lovely way to end the day and spend some time together.

Bottle Feeding and Solids

Breast is best for babies. By ten months if you are considering offering your baby formula after their solid foods, always speak and check with a qualified nurse or healthcare professional for advice and guidance on your ten month old baby’s individual feeding needs.

If your baby is already on formula, always follow the manufacturer's instructions on the formula cans. Try offering formula after your baby’s main meals, otherwise they won’t be as hungry for their food. Waiting for at least 30 minutes between finishing their meal and giving them a bottle will help to avoid constant eating/drinking throughout the day.

What Foods Should I Be Offering My 10 Month Old?

Any food, as long as it’s healthy and the right texture, is on the menu at 10 months. Meat/fish/poultry, fruits and vegetables, breads/cereals/legumes, dairy foods and all the food groups in-between are perfect at this age and stage.

If you are vegetarian or vegan, consider whether you want your baby to have the same diet. Always speak and check with a qualified nurse or healthcare professional for advice and guidance on your ten month old baby’s individual feeding needs.

Five Important Tips for Feeding Your 10 Month Old

  1. Limit mealtimes to a maximum of 20 minutes. It’s a big ask to expect a ten month old to sit for longer than this, and they’re unlikely to eat much past this timeframe. 
  2. Recycle healthy leftovers for lunch the next day. As long as leftovers have been stored hygienically, they’ll be suitable for subsequent meals.
  3. Offer your ten month old dinner at a reasonably early time. Around 5pm is a perfect time for small people to eat.
  4. Turn the television and devices off during meals. Social interaction and conversation really count when eating. Include your baby in chats and help them to feel part of what’s going on.
  5. Avoid seeing food as a reward for your baby, such as offering sweets.

Food Safety and Your 10 Month Old Baby

Avoid storing formula or expressed breast milk in the door of the fridge and instead, position bottles towards the back of the upper shelf for a more consistent cooling.

Hold your baby in your arms when giving them a bottle of expressed breast milk or formula. Holding them during feeds will also help to build their emotional security.


Always speak and check with a qualified nurse or healthcare professional for advice and guidance on your ten month old baby’s individual feeding needs.